As you move toward the end of the year, it is important for leaders to think back over the past year and reflect, assess yourself and your work. Take notes and then ask what adjustments you need to make in your life, in your business and as a leader during the new year. Share this […]
Read MoreLeading Self!

I often get asked by leaders I work with, “how do I scale the leadership capacity of my team?” My answer is simple. It starts by leading and scaling oneself. This means working on oneself and building your capacity to lead and show up intentionally. Looking in the mirror is not easy, but essential to […]
Read More self-awareness, triggersWhere Am I?

This is an important question we should be asking ourselves throughout the day! Where am I? Am I at my best, relaxed and present (above the line) or am I stressed or anxious (below the line)? Knowing and understanding where you are is the key to conscious leadership and how you are showing up. The […]
Read More #WhereAmI, ConsciousLeadership, SelfawarenessGet Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

A very dear friend of mine (Jim) unexpectedly lost his 67-year-old brother (Mark) to heart failure a few weeks ago. I was fortunate to have known Mark and to have the pleasure of spending a week with him and others playing golf in Scotland last May. On the first day of the trip as we […]
Read More LeadershipFEAR – What weighs you down?
I have been back for two weeks from the conference. It was thought provoking and stimulating. At the conference there was a display that allowed conference attendees to express their biggest fear on a rock and carry it around for a day to feel its weight. The next day as conference attendees placed their rocks […]
Read MoreLeaders, what questions are you asking?
I met with a leader this past week who was very frustrated with his team and their hesitation or resistance to provide meaningful perspectives and insights about an important issue facing the organization. We talked about the meeting and what he was observing about his behaviors and actions. With some probing, he was able […]
Read More LeadershipListening & Leadership
“Leaders who don’t listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing to say” – Andy Stanley Last month I wrote about the importance of being an effective communicator (view it here). Effective written and oral communication skills are integral to succeed as a leader. If effective speaking and storytelling are the yin of […]
Read MoreThe Outer Game of Leadership: Your Vision
Over the past five months we have been on a journey of leadership self discovery and self awareness. Vince Lombardi said, “Only by knowing yourself can you become an effective leader.” Leadership starts with a deep understanding of the inner game of who you are. This allows you to present yourself in the most confident […]
Read MoreThe Inner Game of Leadership: Your Values
Back in February, I wrote about the 4 Dimensional Leader Model I use to help leaders develop their self awareness and improve their inner game of leadership. Check it out here. The 4 domains are Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual. The Spiritual domain represents your moral compass. It defines who you are and how you […]
Read More Margie HeilerThe Inner Game of Leadership: Emotional Intelligence
I trust you have practiced noticing how you are showing up and impacting others using the 4 dimensional leader model outlined in my blog last month. Check it out here. Practicing and noticing these four domains helps you increase your self-awareness skills, which is the foundation of developing your emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is one […]
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